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VRUM! +18

This is a Party Game made for adults.

So, if you are under age, go read this post ;) However, if you are a grown up, you're gonna love VRUM!, it's very simple and fun to play! The beauty of it is how emergent its gameplay is based on a rather small set of rules. The theme of the game mimics a very crowded traffic jam where everyone is late for their holiday trip. Each player is in a car and the idea is to survive this mess still sober! So without further ado, let's play!

High Concept

VRUM! is a party game played only by voice commands with 4 or more people. There are 3 voice commands: Vrum!, Ploft! & Ihhhhh! Each command has a specific function in the game, moving the turn from one player to another. Every time a player misses their turn or speaks out of their turn, they receive a punishment having to drink any type of alcoholic drink.

Tip: the drinks can vary in level of strength so players can choose what to drink.


So, the game starts with all players forming a circle and putting the drinks in the middle. Each new round starts clockwise for consistency. Next, the younger player speaks out one of the 3 commands:

Vrum! (accelerating a car engine): the person next to them (following the current direction of the game) is now in charge and has to speak out.

Ploft! (going through a speed bump): this command skips one person and the other next (following the current direction of the game) takes the turn.

Ihhhhh! (using the breaks and changing direction): this changes the direction of the game. Now, the person next to them in the opposite direction is up. After this command, the game follows normally but in the new direction until this command is spoken again.

Every time someone misses and drinks, the game restarts with that person speaking.


Now, this game is very simple... However, if you look closely, the possible combinations of command transfer in addition to the positive feedback loop of drinking can really make it hard to play after a few shots.

There are plenty of other ideas and commands we could think of for this game, like adding a Beep Beep! command like the Ploft! skipping one player but in the opposite direction like the Ihhhhh!.

Or a POW! in which the last person who drank has to speak now.

The combinations of rules to be created with this pass of turn mechanic is a really interesting starting point to create a new party game, a boardgame or even a social app to be used among friends!

Go ahead and invite everybody to your place not only to play, but to create a new game based on this one. Remember: game design comes in all shapes and sizes!

Have fun!

This is a nice way to have a laughter with friends! The more players (and drinks) the better!

Disclaimer: Have fun in a conscious way. Know the limits of your body and respect them. Drink sparingly, responsibly and, if you are really driving, do not drink at all.

Thank You

for reading!

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